paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, based on bullshit. "I'm scared for my county, and he's a boogiiee maaaan" loose combo of John Birch/Ayn RAnd/ resulting in half (dissappointed progressive) half (disaffected know-nothing populace)
admission: sometimes the reference won't place itself quickly enough, and i forget....what are we rilly talkin about? Thje first thing that galls me is " the taking loosely of accepted terms to mean what you want". Is there a clinical name for this logical fallacy? Yes, it's called a "lie".
When people try to paint a liberal as an authoritarian. When in fact liberalism is the diametric opposite of authoritarianism. When in fact President Obama has spoken and acted just as what he is, a Liberal. The last liberal since Nixon, like my friend Larry says....
Kim Allen-Butler It's official-the inmates are running the asylum. Obviously not the same voting committee as for the Olympics-too bad.
....end quote.
Here's one for you: Sternn: "Don't worry, I've got an angle!"