Saturday, October 10, 2009

this is just dumb

This is what people are thingkit:
paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, based on bullshit. "I'm scared for my county, and he's a boogiiee maaaan" loose combo of John Birch/Ayn RAnd/ resulting in half (dissappointed progressive) half (disaffected know-nothing populace)
admission: sometimes the reference won't place itself quickly enough, and i forget....what are we rilly talkin about? Thje first thing that galls me is " the taking loosely of accepted terms to mean what you want". Is there a clinical name for this logical fallacy? Yes, it's called a "lie".
When people try to paint a liberal as an authoritarian. When in fact liberalism is the diametric opposite of authoritarianism. When in fact President Obama has spoken and acted just as what he is, a Liberal. The last liberal since Nixon, like my friend Larry says....


Kim Allen-Butler It's official-the inmates are running the asylum. Obviously not the same voting committee as for the Olympics-too bad.

Yesterday at 8:58am · ·
Melinda Jester
Melinda Jester
Stop picking on Obama!
Yesterday at 9:00am
Angie Thielemans
Angie Thielemans
Hey stranger, where the heck have you been?
Yesterday at 9:14am
Eric Steinberg
Eric Steinberg
WHAAAT? Are you actually ticked off that our President won the Nobel? Are you cheering for him to fail? Have you considered sedition? Are you about to go all McVeigh on us?
Yesterday at 9:36am · Delete
Eric Steinberg
Eric Steinberg
It's because he's black, isn't it?
Yesterday at 9:37am · Delete
Liliana Kurpanik
Liliana Kurpanik
Hey, he's in a group that includes Arafat.
Yesterday at 11:46am
Kim Allen-Butler
Kim Allen-Butler
He's black??? No Eric-it's not 'cause he's black-it's cause he was in office 10 days before the voting deadline and how could anyone in their right mind know what he would do to further this peace process he's being awarded for. This is typically an award for people who have spent careers if not lifetimes in the pursuit of peace-not weeks in office. I, personally am suspicious of this move-haven't figured out the angle, yet, but I will. Try not to be duped-dig a little deeper.
Yesterday at 1:05pm
George Rothweiler
George Rothweiler
Just remember he's white also...
Yesterday at 5:14pm
Roger Inman
Roger Inman
You are the BEST!! GO GIrl!!!
10 hours ago

....end quote.

Here's one for you: Sternn: "Don't worry, I've got an angle!"


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